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Riverlution by RSC Lantra Approved Training Provider
Emergency First Aid at Work Training Course (1 Day)
Booking now for Wednesday 19 July 2023
May 23, 2023
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The RSC has reduced Giant Hogweed by 50% across Leeds city centre!
Invasive Species Management
Invasive Species Management
Invasive Species Management
Invasive Species Management
Invasive Species Management
We’ve reduced Giant Hogweed by 50% across Leeds city centre!
Celebrating the outstanding work Leeds City Council Flood Risk Management team have undertaken to treat invasive species (INNS) along the River Aire.
May 19, 2023
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The RSC surveyed and treated an INNcredible 1200km of rivers across Yorkshire for invasive species in 2022!
Invasive Species Management
Invasive Species Management
Invasive Species Management
Invasive Species Management
Invasive Species Management
We surveyed and treated an INNcredible 1200km of rivers across Yorkshire for invasive species in 2022!
The RSC is working with the Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water on a pioneering programme to deliver a Yorkshire-wide INNS management programme.
May 19, 2023
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Volunteers help the River Stewardship Company put final touches to a series of flood risk management and habitat improvement works carried out along Short Brook.
Flood Management
Flood Management
Flood Management
Flood Management
Flood Management
Volunteers help put final touches to work at Short Brook
River clean up and planting volunteer day completes a series of flood risk management and habitat improvement works carried out along Short Brook.
April 13, 2023
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RSC major tree-planting project at Gair Wood on behalf of University of Leeds
We planted a new woodland!
The RSC are proud to help plan and deliver a major woodland creation project for the North of England at Gair Wood on behalf of the University of Leeds.
March 31, 2023
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Sheffield-based trainee river stewards complete first stewardship skills scheme
Graduating towards a greener future!
Our riverlutionary trainee river stewards have completed our first Sheffield-based River Stewardship Skills Scheme.
March 28, 2023
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Wetland restoration at the Minewater Attenuation and Treatment site at Shire Brook Valley Nature Reserve
Habitat Restoration
Habitat Restoration
Habitat Restoration
Habitat Restoration
Habitat Restoration
Wetland restoration at Shire Brook Valley Nature Reserve
The RSC have created a series of wetlands on Shire Brook, Shire Brook Valley Nature Reserve on behalf of Sheffield City Council
March 21, 2023
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Riverlution Wellbeing Walks #behappybeblue
Wellbeing walkers spread some happiness to mark the start of Spring!
Our Riverlution team welcomed the Spring Equinox on Monday 20 March with a riverside walk along the Rivelin Valley #behappybeblue!
March 20, 2023
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It's International Women's Day
We're celebrating all the riverlutionary women this International Women's Day!
March 8, 2023
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Riverlution Wellbeing Walk
Riverlution Spring Equinox Wellbeing Walk
Enjoy a walk by water this International Day of Happiness and share your experiences with us! #behappybeblue
March 1, 2023
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Employee checking the river