Environmental Consultancy

Our fully qualified and experienced arboricultural and ecological consultants provide surveys, advice and guidance.

Application Support

We work with councils and planning authorities to protect woodland from damage and destruction.

Ecological Surveys

Discover the potential environmental impact of a proposed development site before starting construction.

Robust Reporting

We supply Japanese Knotweed reports.

Environmental reports

Get professional clarity with comprehensive written reports, all of which are covered by the relevant professional indemnity insurance.

Cost management

We can deliver the complete cost management expertise required to take projects from planning through to completion in order to help clients manage budgets effectively.

Environmental Consultancy Services

  • Development Surveys
  • Decay Detection
  • Ecological Surveys
  • Phase 1 Habitat Surveys & Management Plans
  • Applications for Tree Preservation Orders

Why work with us

Good for the environment

Everything we do has biodiversity and sustainability its core for habitats, flood protection and places we can enjoy.

Good for people

Surplus from every project is reinvested into our volunteer programme, training the next generation of river stewards.

Good for businesses

Partnering with us means your organisation’s contribution to social and environmental improvements are covered.
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Transform and maintain waterways

Better waterways for people, places and wildlife
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Clean serene river