Watch Your Waste!

We can all do our bit to prevent the build up of waste in our rivers and streams. Can you make any of these positive changes?

Banish wet wipes!

Companies' claims of wet wipes being 'flushable' officially don't hold up. All wipes contain plastic, and as a result, cause hundreds of blockages and kill wildlife. Can you kick the habit? Thames21 have some great tips here.

Reduce plastic use

Most plastics end up in our waterways, and we can learn to live without it. You can make a big difference by following these simple tips from Greenpeace.

Litter pick

Litterpicking is really rewarding - it helps the environment, improves our surroundings, lifts our mood and helps others. Providing you follow government guidelines, you can still litterpick on your own or with household members during daily exercise by joining the great trend of 'plogging'. Helping Hand have some great supplies to get you started.

Latest news

Gledhow Valley Woods and Beck
Natural flood management and environmental enhancements at Gledhow Valley Woods
The RSC is working alongside Friends of Gledhow Valley on natural flood management and environmental enhancements at Gledhow Valley Woods - Leeds.
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River Stewardship Comapany take on the mighty Megatron tour
River Stewardship Company take on the mighty Megatron!
RSC and Riverlution team away day revealing the city's hidden rivers
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Riverlution and Sheaf and Porter Rivers Trust Volunteers
River Clean Up Day with Sheaf and Porter Rivers Trust
Thank you to all the amazing Sheaf and Porter Rivers Trust Volunteers
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Employee checking the river