We're riverlutionary! Riverlution is now a CIC!

We believe in the value of thriving, biodiverse waterways to provide rich habitats for wildlife, improve protection against flooding and give us places we can all enjoy. That’s why we work with our clients and contractors to ensure that they don’t just meet their obligation to maintain and improve our shared waterways, but make the most of everything that they offer.

We operate a commercial contracting service offering high quality waterway maintenance and improvement projects throughout Yorkshire and beyond. But as a social enterprise, the core of our business is Riverlution – a programme of activities designed to connect, inspire and empower local people to improve themselves, their community and their local waterways.

Riverlution was launched in 2012 by the Environment Agency and River Stewardship Company as a web-based network for individuals and organisations involved in the waterways in Sheffield. It was used to share news, celebrate events and maintain connections between the many individuals and organisations working to improve Yorkshire’s waterways.

In March 2019 Riverlution Re-Connected, a programme of community events and a conference in Kelham Island, relaunched Riverlution as the brand for River Stewardship Company’s social and environmental partnerships work, and the name was trademarked in 2020.

In 2022, Riverlution became a Community Interest Company (CIC) - a new, autonomous social impact company (a limited company, regulated by the Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies) enabling us to grow, develop and deliver projects with social value and community and environmental benefits throughout the operational range of the River Stewardship Company and beyond.

It builds on existing partnerships with our customers, community organisations and riparian businesses and is funded from surpluses generated by River Stewardship Company together with grant funding and corporate sponsorship.

Riverlution shares the River Stewardship Company’s vision of ‘better waterways for people, places and wildlife’ and adds value to our contract work, offering opportunities for clients, partners and funders to support additional activities for the benefit of communities and waterways – from partnership events and volunteer days to educational and training initiatives.

Riverlution doesn’t just contribute to the environmental legacy we strive for – it creates lasting connections between people and the places that matter to them.

Join the movement, join the riverlution - contact us at to find out how you or your business can get involved and ‘be riverlutionary' too!

Latest news

Gledhow Valley Woods and Beck
Natural flood management and environmental enhancements at Gledhow Valley Woods
The RSC is working alongside Friends of Gledhow Valley on natural flood management and environmental enhancements at Gledhow Valley Woods - Leeds.
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River Stewardship Comapany take on the mighty Megatron tour
River Stewardship Company take on the mighty Megatron!
RSC and Riverlution team away day revealing the city's hidden rivers
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Riverlution and Sheaf and Porter Rivers Trust Volunteers
River Clean Up Day with Sheaf and Porter Rivers Trust
Thank you to all the amazing Sheaf and Porter Rivers Trust Volunteers
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Employee checking the river